1903 Montgomery County Kansas History Book
- This book is full text searchable, just scroll down and select the full text version, once the book is open.
Admire’s Political & Legislative Hand-Book for Kansas 1891
Annals of Kansas 1541-1885 Wilder
John Brown 1800-1859, 50 Years After by Oswald Garrison Villard, 1910
History of Kansas, Holloway, 1868
Kansas Its Interior & Exterior Life Robinson, 1856
Kansas Cyclopedia V1 A-I Blackmar 1912
Kansas Cyclopedia V2 J-Z Blackmar 1912
Kansas Cyclopedia V3 Pt 1 Blackmar 1912
Kansas Cyclopedia V3 Pt 2 Blackmar 1912
Kansas and Kansans, V1 Connelley 1918
Kansas and Kansans, V2 Connelley 1918
Kansas and Kansans, V3 Connelley 1918
Kansas and Kansans, V4 Connelley 1918
Kansas and Kansans, V5 Connelley 1918
Register of Kansas Historic Places
The Squatter Sovereign Humphrey 1883
Ancestry.com Available for in library use only.
Cyndi’s List – Genealogy research site
Genealogy for Kids- Building a Family Tree – Research site for Kids
familysearch.org – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the primary benefactor for FamilySearch services.
Kansas Digital Newspapers – Provided by the Kansas State Historical
Hist Reg and Dict of US Army V1 Heitman 1903
Hist Reg and Dict of US Army V2 Heitman 1903
Soldiers of the Great War V1 Haulsee 1920
Soldiers of the Great War V2 Haulsee 1920
Soldiers of the Great War V3 Haulsee 1920
The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies